Far Far Away

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Boredom Day

This picture below describes my boring and sleepy day today
 Headed to school at 9am. 5 hours of break in school before our next lesson, certainly is part of the reason for my lethargic feeling now. However managed to watch two awesome movies (27 dresses and Shrek 2) during the 5 hours break.
Well, today is my first day attending Basic and Nutrition (BNF) tutorial. Quite an interesting lesson but yet alot of things need to be memorize. Fortunately lesson ended early before 6pm so could catch the bus with no huge crowd. *PHEW* . So just wash up and do what i have to do at home and had certainly ended my day by publishing this post in this BLOG ;D Hmm I guess that's about it for today.
Alright everyone gotta sleep now sadly gotta attend lesson at 9am again tomorrow. Hihih Anyway good nite lovelies and Annyong (Bye-Bye)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

FirstTimeBlogger ;D

Hallow , a very <3 warm hugs <3 to everyone here.
Honestly speaking, I am quite clueless on what I should write actually as this is my first time blogging..Hihihih... Hmm okay, firstly , I must say I am really lucky and fortunate to have Effective Internet Research as my CDS as I didn't know that it is fun, beneficial and I can sense that this CDS teach me how to be an independent learner. Basically dropping this CDS and taking a new CDS was in my mind when I found out that I did not get my first choice but then after getting some information from TP websites about this EIR, hmm I figure out its not a bad choice and why not give it a shot. Thankfully, I give it a shot. *Phew*.. Basically our tutorials that we had just now was a very light and yet interesting.. Hahaha.. Especially the funny drawings of my wonderful classmates.To me expressing oneself through drawing is really cool and creative, as a quote says "Picture says a thousand words".. I am really looking forward for my next EIR lessons next week and I cannot wait to learn something new some more, but with a hope that the Internet connection will be much better next week hihihih ;D Alright that's about it for today... Khuda Hafiz (Bye-Bye) lovelies ;D